Waste Action Plan for a Circular Economy

ACE Ireland’s response to the public consultation on Ireland’s Waste Action Plan for a Circular Economy

In February 2020, the Irish Government through the Department of Communication, Climate Action and Environment launched a public consultation to gather views on the development of Ireland’s new Waste Action Plan for a Circular Economy. The objective of the plan is to help Ireland move to a more Circular Economy where resources are kept in use for as long as possible and then recycled or reused at the end of their service life.

The purpose of the consultation was to enable Ireland develop a new waste policy / circular economy plan to meet the emerging challenges and build on targets set out in the Climate Action Plan and match the level of ambition in the waste and climate space shown across the European Union.

In our response to the consultation, ACE Ireland called on the Irish Government to adopt a whole life-cycle approach when shaping proposals for packaging in a low-carbon economy, including taking account of the vital role of packaging in preventing food waste and the benefits of using packaging made from low carbon, bio-based raw materials and to ensure that systems are in place to collect and recycle all recyclable packaging, including for on-the-go consumption.

Download our full consultation response here.

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