
Over five million cartons recycled since launch of dedicated sorting at Ireland’s largest MRF

Industry collaboration between ACE Ireland and Panda is paving the way for increased beverage carton recycling in Ireland using AI powered robotic sorting technology

More than five million beverage cartons have been sorted and fully recycled since AI powered robotic sorting was launched at Panda’s materials recovery facility (MRF) in Ballymount, Dublin. Installed last year in partnership with the Alliance for Beverage Cartons and the Environment – ACE Ireland, the automated system is the first of its kind in Ireland – providing a highly efficient solution for identifying, picking, and sorting cartons at the MRF for onward recycling.

To mark the first year of dedicated carton sorting, ACE Ireland and Panda have today (17.07.24) launched a new consumer campaign to drive increased awareness of beverage carton recycling. Titled #RecycleYourCartons, the campaign calls on households to place used beverage cartons in their household recycling bin – clean, dry, and loose to kick start the carton recycling journey.

Commenting, ACE Ireland’s Senior Recycling Manager, Mandy Kelly said: “The initiation of robotic sorting at Ballymount is proving hugely successful in showcasing how beverage cartons can and should be recycled in Ireland. It’s very encouraging to see over five million cartons sorted and sent for full recycling at ACE’s specialised carton facility within the first year of our partnership with Panda. However, there is huge potential for a further increase in carton recycling rates in Ireland and improved recycling practices through targeted investment and working with industry partners”

“Building on the carton industry’s relationship with Panda we’re focused on actively exploring new opportunities to further increase the volume of cartons sorted in Ballymount. To achieve this, as a first step it’s critical used cartons enter the recycling system. Our simple message to consumers is to start the recycling journey of cartons by placing them in the green or blue bin for collection – we’ll manage the rest.”

Mrs Kelly added: “Households across Ireland rely on beverage cartons as an everyday packaging choice. We want to ensure that consumers are aware of the sustainable nature of cartons, that they are fully recyclable, and that they are included on Ireland’s national household recycling list.”

The Ballymount facility receives over 90,000 tonnes of mixed dry recycling materials from over 400,000 homes and businesses each year. The automated sorting technology, which was developed by Recycleye and Fanuc, has the capacity to deliver 33,000 picks over a ten-hour shift. Sorted cartons are then sent to ACE’s specialised carton recycling facility where they are pulped and turned into high quality paper and core board. Fibres from beverage cartons can be recycled many times making them an ideal raw material for paper-based products.

CEO of Beauparc, the parent company of Panda, Brian McCabe said: “Robotics and automation are playing a pivotal role in increasing the efficiency and accuracy of our sorting processes. Through ongoing investment in the latest generation of robotic sorting technology, we’ve been able to significantly improve the quality of sorted materials. Importantly, this is being achieved with minimal disruption to existing infrastructure in the MRF. The initiation of dedicated carton sorting at our Ballymount MRF is an excellent example of this.

“Working with industry partners is a key part of our role in delivering and supporting innovation to enhance recycling and waste management in Ireland. As such, in partnership with ACE Ireland we are committed to increasing the volume of beverage cartons collected, sorted, and sent for full recycling through our Ballymount MRF. At Panda, we place significant focus on educating and communicating with our customers on how they can play their part in the recycling process. I’m very pleased that this latest joint campaign with ACE Ireland encourages our customers to engage with the recycling journey of beverage cartons.”

ACE Ireland response to call for expert evidence on Climate Action Plan 2024

The Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications launched a call for expert evidence to support and inform the preparation of the next Climate Action Plan, which is due for publication later in 2023.

The updated Climate Action Plan will have a strong focus on implementation, including actions with specific timelines and steps needed to achieve each action, assigning clear lines of responsibility for delivery. It will be informed by successful approaches in other countries, where such approaches could be adapted for implementation in Ireland.

Outlined below is ACE Ireland’s response to consultation questions posed under the section of ‘Waste and the Circular Economy’.

  1. What are the main barriers to consumers embracing the Circular Economy, e.g. lack of awareness, increased costs compared to disposable products, lack of access to circular goods and services?

A key barrier to consumers embracing the Circular Economy is a lack of awareness of what packaging can be recycled through their kerbside collection service, and of the advantages of packaging in reducing food waste.

Focus must be placed on the continued roll-out of extensive citizen information campaigns based on clear and concise messaging that resonates with the public on what a Circular Economy means and how they can support it. As part of this, particular focus must be placed on increasing the presentation rates of recyclable materials, by continuing to highlight what can be placed in the mixed dry recycling bin. Beverage cartons should be included in such campaign messaging.

Consumers should also be informed about the importance of using low-carbon, renewable materials. As part of the beverage carton industry’s ‘Roadmap to 2030 and Beyond’[1], ACE Ireland members are committed to making packaging only from renewable and/or recycled material by 2030, and today 100% of the wood fibre used to make beverage cartons is sourced sustainably and chain of custody certified, ensuring the forests remain a renewable resource for generations to come.

Greater emphasis should also be placed in communications on the role that packaging plays in reducing food waste and therefore in reducing carbon impacts – particularly packaging that is low-impact in itself, low plastic and circular, such as beverage cartons.

The ‘Roadmap to 2030 and Beyond’ sets out the industry’s vision to deliver the most sustainable packaging for resilient food supply systems which is renewable, climate positive and circular. The Roadmap commits to action on all parts of the industry value chain, with increased targets of beverage carton collection rates of 90% and recycling rates of 70% by 2030.

2. What other opportunities exist to support decarbonisation through the acceleration of a transition to the circular economy?

ACE Ireland continues to advocate for continued investment in and improvement of Ireland’s recycling infrastructure and sorting technology in Irish material recovery facilities (MRFs). In July 2023, ACE Ireland announced a new partnership with Panda aimed at significantly improving the recycling process of cartons placed on the Irish market. As part of the collaboration, ACE Ireland funded the installation of state-of-the-art robotic sorting technology at Panda’s MRF in Ballymount, Dublin.

Using ground-breaking artificial intelligence as accurate as a human eye, this new robotic sorting technology has the capacity to identify, pick, and sort cartons in Irish MRFs into their own dedicated streams. The sorter is quick and easy to install over existing recycling lines with minimal disruption to the operation of the MRF. This offers MRFs a real option to drive recycling innovation by separating materials like beverage cartons, while lowering the cost of automated sorting.

This new technology offers an effective solution for sorting cartons from mixed paper and fibre streams. The sorted cartons from Panda’s Ballymount MRF will now be sent onwards to ACE’s specialised carton recycling facility in the UK. Nationwide dedicated sorting of beverage cartons for onward recycling would provide full transparency of recycling rates and ensures all components of cartons can be fully recycled.

Introducing new and emerging sorting technologies across Ireland’s MRF network should be a key focus in the transition to a circular economy. This will allow MRFs to separate more materials and increase overall recycling rates, helping Ireland meet EU reuse and recycling targets.

[1] The Beverage Carton Roadmap to 2023

Beverage carton recycling to significantly improve with introduction of dedicated sorting in Ireland’s largest materials recovery facility

Minister for Circular Economy launches new generation of robotic sorting technology in Panda’s Ballymount MRF marking its partnership with ACE Ireland

The Alliance for Beverage Cartons and the Environment – ACE Ireland, has announced a new partnership with Panda aimed at significantly improving the recycling process of cartons placed on the Irish market. As part of the collaboration, ACE Ireland funded the installation of state-of-the-art robotic sorting technology at Panda’s materials recovery facility (MRF) in Ballymount, Dublin.

Using ground-breaking artificial intelligence as accurate as a human eye, the new robot will identify, pick, and sort cartons at the MRF into their own dedicated streams. The sorted materials will then be sent onwards to ACE’s specialised carton recycling facility in the UK operated by Sonoco Stainland.

Minister of State with special responsibility for Circular Economy, Ossian Smyth TD officially launched the new sorting technology during a site visit of the Ballymount MRF. Commenting Minister Smyth said: “The creation of a circular economy and the achievement of our ambitious reuse and recycling targets requires strong partnerships and innovative solutions. I’m delighted to be here today at the launch of this new technology, which will improve recycling processes and drive higher recycling rates. Today also demonstrates the important role that cross-industry collaboration can play in the transition to a circular economy.”

ACE Ireland & Panda announce commencement of dedicated sorting of beverage cartons at Ireland’s largest materials recovery facility for onward recycling

ACE Ireland represents Tetra Pak, Elopak, and SIG Combibloc, the leading manufacturers of beverage cartons for the Irish and European markets. Chief Executive of ACE Ireland, Richard Hands said: “The beverage carton is a sustainable, recyclable, and renewable packaging choice used by Irish households as part of everyday life for many decades. As an industry we are committed to increasing carton recycling rates and improving recycling practices through targeted investment, the development of new technology, and working with industry partners.

“The carton industry has set a target of achieving a 70% recycling rate by 2030. The launch of dedicated sorting at Ireland’s largest MRF in Ballymount is an important step in meeting that target. Introducing new and emerging sorting technologies across Ireland’s MRF network should be a key focus in the transition to a circular economy. This will allow MRFs to separate more materials and increase overall recycling rates.”

Mr Hands added: “We welcomed the commitment to introduce specific packaging recovery and recycling targets for beverage cartons in the Irish Government’s Waste Action Plan for a Circular Economy. We encourage the Department of Environment, Climate, and Communications to follow-up on that commitment and prioritise the setting of these targets. This together with the installation of new technology can drive higher recycling rates and lower residual waste streams. We’re delighted to see the launch of this technology through our partnership with Panda and look forward to working with Minister Smyth, his Department, and our industry partners to further expand dedicated sorting of cartons in Ireland.”

The automated sorting technology, which was developed by Recycleye and Fanuc, has the capacity to deliver 33,000 picks over a ten-hour shift. Capable of scanning, detecting, and picking materials across 28 classes including beverage cartons, the sorter is quick and easy to install over existing recycling lines with minimal disruption to the operation of the MRF. This offers MRFs a real option to drive recycling innovation by separating materials like beverage cartons, while lowering the cost of automated sorting.

CEO of Beauparc, the parent company of Panda, Brian McCabe said: “Working with ACE Ireland, we are delighted to announce our long-term commitment to sorting cartons at our Ballymount MRF. We receive over 90,000 tonnes of mixed dry recyclable materials into the Ballymount facility per annum from over 400,000 homes, all of which needs to be sorted into different waste streams. As such, we recognise the important role we have in delivering and supporting innovation to enhance recycling and waste management in Ireland.

“The installation of this latest generation of robotic sorting technology in Ballymount will allow us to significantly increase the quality of target materials extracted from sorting lines in the MRF. We anticipate over 500 tonnes of cartons will be sorted per annum for onward recycling with an expectation that this will further increase as we bed in the new technology.

“Ireland has the unique advantage of having a 100% kerbside collection system in place for household mixed dry recycling. Our message to the consumer is to place cartons into the green or blue recycling bin – clean, dry, and loose – along with their other recyclable materials,” Mr McCabe concluded.