EU Beverage Carton Recycling Rates

ACE announces increased EU beverage carton recycling rates

EU beverage carton recycling hits 51 per cent

ACE Ireland has welcomed the latest figures released by ACE Brussels on EU beverage carton recycling rates, which exceeded 50 per cent for the first time. The recycling rate for beverage cartons in the EU28* rose to 51 per cent in 2019, a rise of 2 per cent on 2018 figures and a continued year-on-year increase.

“We are pleased that the steady annual increase of the recycling rate for beverage cartons in 2019 surpassed 50 per cent,” said Annick Carpentier, Director General of the Alliance for Beverage Cartons and the Environment (ACE) in Brussels. “This is proof of our industry’s efforts and enhances the message that beverage cartons are recyclable and are being recycled at scale in Europe.”

Beverage cartons, made largely from renewable materials, contribute positively to a low carbon circular economy. The industry is driving beverage carton recycling across Europe and is committed to efforts that support the increase of the recycling rates in all EU Member States. The industry calls on policymakers at the European and national levels to assure that beverage cartons are collected for recycling separately, and to support a collection target to ensure beverage cartons are collected for recycling.

“With an upcoming EU legislative agenda towards more sustainable packaging, the beverage carton is well positioned with a 51 per cent recycling rate. This is an opportunity to inform policymakers at all levels that beverage cartons are a safe, circular and sustainable packaging solution with a low carbon footprint, and how the beverage carton you use at your table can be easily collected and recycled,” continued Ms Carpentier.

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